Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

On Mother’s Day, and the Shape of Our Lives

My mom never gave me much career advice. She was many things—a wonderful homemaker, a generous hostess, a kind friend and patient teacher—but she was not a businesswoman. She passed away two years ago after a long battle with brain cancer.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

The Best Interview Questions

At a loss for what questions to ask in an interview? This list of thought-provoking questions will give you a head start. Combining Pat Lencioni’s concept of Hungry, Humble, and Smart with the questions we’ve found helpful over the years, this list will provide you a great starting point.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Three Tips on How To Avoid a Bad Hire

You know the one. That bad hire you made at some point in your career, that still haunts you today. The truth is, no one wants to make a bad hire. Aside from the human element, the negative impact on culture, morale, and even finances is mind-blowing (and well-proven). The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the average average cost of a bad hiring decision is at least 30 percent of the individual's first-year expected earnings.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Making Your Company Irresistible to Candidates

The sad truth is that candidates are not required to be interested in your company. The good news is that we can fix that with a three-part formula that makes your value proposition much clearer in recruiting!

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

On Turning Two Years Old

This month Forge Search turned two years old! I honestly did not think we would make it that far.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Five Tips to Navigating a Tight Labor Market

There are 1.9 posted roles for each unemployed, available candidate on the market. So no wonder great talent is hard to find. Almost every executive you talk to is frustrated at the difficulty filling open roles in their organization and the rising compensation requirements for those candidates. It shouldn't be this difficult. We've compiled five tips for how you find the right talent for your organization.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Will Salary Deflation Happen in 2023?

Because we needed one more catchy name for this era of hiring, The Wall Street Journal recently published an article calling 2023 the year of “The Great Rebalancing.”

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

How to Write the Perfect Resume (with a Template!)

Have you ever wondered how to write the perfect resume? How to capture all of your accomplishments and successes? Here is our guide to writing a succinct, modern resume that will gain attention from hiring managers!

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Where Have All the People Gone?

It’s the one question I hear more often than any other: Where have the candidates gone? In an abrupt reversal from the spring of 2020, companies have found themselves struggling to acquire talent. PEW Research reports that 42 states have more available jobs than people looking for work.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Behind the Scenes: The Magic of the Process

“Recruiting is not rocket science.” If you’ve worked with me for any time at all, you’ve heard me say this. And it’s true. A strong process is what sets a great recruiter apart from an average one (and, you could say, a great firm apart from an average one). All of our recruiters are well-trained in the Forge Search Process. Here’s a peek behind the scenes of the process we go through for each of our searches.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

On Turning One Year Old

Last month, Forge turned one year old. As I reflected on all that we have come through in the past year, I understood why so many entrepreneurs compare launching a company to birthing a child.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Maybe the Hardest Thing to Manage Is Yourself

Humor me for a quick minute: take a brief scroll through social media, and notice what emotions are being asked of you. You’ll probably notice some humor, sadness, outrage, joy, envy, positivity (be positive!!), competition—and probably some more outrage.

Outrage is easy. Shock is easy. Steadiness is not.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

Employers and Employees: The Balance of Power

It’s funny (almost), but not quite—the way power never rests in the middle. The balance of power almost always swings from one end of the pendulum to the other. And it’s not just in work—it’s really the same for most life circumstances. Rarely are things “even” or “just”—we are left grappling with a set of circumstances we don’t really fully understand.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

3 Tips for Hiring the Right Fit

How do I hire the right fit for my organization? One of the biggest challenges in recruiting is cutting through the fluff, determining what’s real and what’s not, and figuring out who will be the most successful—long-term—in your organization. In the 15+ years I’ve been in the recruiting space, I’ve learned a few key take-aways that help mitigate the risk of the bad apple.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

A Practice of Gratitude

“Supersize that, please.” We live in a world that is constantly asking for more. More of our time, our money, and certainly more of our emotions. I see this on a daily basis in recruiting, as we navigate negotiations between a company and a potential new team member.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

On Transitions

I often joke that our job as recruiters is part-therapist, but it’s not really a joke. The truth is we are dealing with human beings at some of the most vulnerable points in their professional and personal lives: transitioning to a new job or adding a new person to the team.

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Rhiannon Poore Rhiannon Poore

On Failing Well

On a warm spring evening last month, with the scent of popcorn in the air, every single one of the kids on my son’s Little League team got a personalized trophy.

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