One Simple Tip to Drastically Increase Your Chance for an Interview
It’s a theme leaving economists baffled: there are millions of un-employed Americans AND millions of American businesses who can’t find the right people to work in their companies, restaurants, or factories. What gives?
3 Ways to Prepare for Your Best Interview Yet
After a year of slim to no hiring, the job market is heating up. If you’re considering new opportunities, you’re probably faced with multiple job opportunities at once, juggling interviewing with existing work demands.
On Doing Common Things in an Uncommon Way.
“Everyone wants a revolution. No one wants to do the dishes,” writes Tish Harrison Warren in Liturgy of the Ordinary (a book I highly recommend!).
Why Another Recruiting Firm? Why Now?
Truth be told, I’ve never had this long-held dream to own a business, let alone go through all the crazy-hard work of starting one. But today I find myself sitting in front of my (new) laptop, signing my (new) lease, and (literally) dreaming about logos and colors and names.
It Takes a Village
Have you ever noticed that kids have no issue asking for help? My six and three year old are constantly asking, “Mommy, can you help get me a drink? Can you tuck me in? Can you braid my hair?”
Finding Talent that Sticks
Nearly half of all employees in the U.S. intend to look for a job throughout the next year in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, according to new reports out by workforce experts.