On Turning One Year Old
At a small celebration of One Year
Last month, Forge turned one year old.
As I reflected on all that we have come through in the past year, I understood why so many entrepreneurs compare launching a company to birthing a child. The magnitude of what you’re about to take on is bigger than what you think: easier in some ways, harder in others (just like parenthood).
A friend asked me what my most memorable moments were in my first year. I have two: the day we launched, I got two (not one, TWO) emails from people I had not talked to in years, but who loved the story of Forge and wanted to do business with us. The second most memorable was walking down Main Street, in heels, at 7:30 AM, with a huge five gallon jug of water . . . because the office we were in at that time did not have a sink or any water. Yep. That must have been a sight to behold.
One year in, we have a beautiful suite in the heart of downtown Greenville, a team of five talented, tenacious and empathetic recruiters who are committed to giving 100% every day, and a wonderful roster of clients who treat us as true partners. I would bet on this team any day, even against every big-name firm in the market.
Was it easy? Heck, no. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The rollercoaster of emotions is brutal.
But even with its twists and turns, valleys and peaks, I have learned more than I ever could imagined about leadership and about standing firm in our values and our differentiating factors. I am so thankful for everyone who has entrusted their business to Forge and to this team—I hope we continue to make you proud.
Here’s to many more!