Onboarding a new accountant? Now to make sure they stay . . .

You’ve recruited the best Senior Accountant you’ve ever interviewed! The offer letter is signed, the background check is cleared, and the start date is set. Whew. Now the hard work is done.

Or is it?

The reality is that your first 90 days with a new hire is crucial to their long-term success. Research shows that one-third of approximately 1,000 employees have quit a job within six months of starting it. That’s a lot of time, energy, and money.

And onboarding accounting hires can be trickier than other areas of the organization. Accounting teams work cross-functionally, so team-building will be essential for their success. In addition, they have an enormous impact on the financial forecast of the company, so understanding the mission and purpose of the company will help them be optimized for success.

Here are 5 areas to consider when onboarding a new accountant.

  1. Onboarding Starts... Before They Start

    The period between accepting the job offer and the first day is crucial. Use this time to set your new accountant up for success. Send them welcome emails and any relevant reading materials that can help them understand the company culture and expectations. Consider sending them access to your company’s intranet or any pre-boarding portals where they can start completing necessary paperwork, thus freeing up their first day for more engaging activities.

  2. System Knowledge is Key

    Familiarity with the company’s systems is critical for a new accountant, especially if those systems include complex ERP software like SAP or Oracle. We recommend a blended approach to training that includes live demonstrations, pre-recorded videos, and hands-on sessions. Ensure the training covers everything from basic tasks like data entry and account reconciliation to more advanced features pertinent to their role. Effective training on these systems not only boosts confidence but also efficiency.

  3. Document Processes and Procedures

    Documentation is your best friend when it comes to scaling and error reduction in accounting processes. Utilize tools that allow you to create step-by-step guides or videos explaining common procedures within your department. This not only helps in standardizing processes but also serves as a reference that new hires can revisit anytime they need. Having robust documentation can significantly ease the learning curve for your new accountant.

  4. Set Up Cross-Functional Dialogue

    Encourage your new hire to interact with different departments early on. Understanding how the accounting functions tie into other parts of the business is essential for a holistic view of the company’s objectives.

    We all know accountants can be on the quieter side, so this can be tricky! But set goals for your team to build relationships cross-functionally, and let them know you encourage the time “away from their desk.” Consider joint meetings, project collaborations, or informal lunch-and-learns with other teams.

  5. Ensure Tie-In to Mission, Vision, and Values

    Aligning your new accountant with the company’s mission, vision, and values from the outset is crucial. Discuss how their role impacts the company’s objectives and how they can contribute to the broader corporate goals. What is the company’s ultimate vision of where they want to go?

    This vision-casting not only motivates your team, but also gives their daily tasks a greater sense of purpose.


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